"Your investment in your own future success will be rewarded" ~ LDMF
Choose your ideal membership tier, customize the length and frequency of your subscription, and take full control of your budget. Participate in free gamified challenges to earn points, rewards, and credits that can be used to upgrade your membership tier for one or more programs. Our innovative circular membership system amplifies the value of your investment, enabling you to accumulate subscription contributions and redeem the total amount toward workshops, full-day events, or seminars. Double the impact of your membership and unlock unparalleled opportunities for growth and engagement. Plus, enjoy the Community Bonus, where every member is rewarded with a special gift each month when the community collectively achieves milestones and commits to development. Take advantage of the Collective Purchase, allowing a group of members to request special services together and share the fees, making premium opportunities more accessible. Additionally, associated partners benefit by doubling their income through credit access to exclusive programs.
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The Netherlands